Curiosity is where David Paul Kay’s work is born. Anything is a medium and anywhere is a gallery.  Art, just like life, starts with nothing and has an opportunity to turn into anything … everything. He chases those opportunities. Creating is his way of challenging time.

ArtStager presents "Circle of Time", a solo exhibition by David Paul Kay at Soho House in West Hollywood. May 2018 - August 2018.


In the spring of 2017, Kipton attended the ArtBridge art auction and fundraiser at 75 Wall Street in New York.  During the event, he felt compelled to bid (and won) a large 70″ x 70″ black and white ‘Andy Warhol’ painting created and donated by New York-based artist, David Paul Kay.  As Kipton got to know David over the coming months, he became drawn to his process, positive energy, and was determined to do a project with him. Kipton began proposing artists for Soho House for their 2018 series in West Hollywood, and reached out with the hope of creating something special together.  The result:  “Twelve – Circle Of Time” was born.  The installation of 12 paintings explored the notion of the human cognitive approach to time. David’s new work reminds his viewers to stop and listen, to breathe deeply, feel the sensations in their bodies, and to be kind to themselves.